Wednesday, June 16, 2010



On those wet rainy days, a great way to keep your little ones busy is to get creative and colorful with Paper Mosaics.  Most of the items you will need for this activity will be things you have on hand.  Simply find some colored paper or old magazines and a large sheet of paper as the base of the mosaic.  Provide blunt ended scissors, a hole punch and non-toxic glue stick. Then you can let the fun begin. 

Cut or tear brightly coloured paper into small pieces.  Use the hole punch and make small circles.  Scapbooking punches are also great for creating different shapes.  Show the kids how to glue the paper pieces onto the large backing sheet to make blocks of color or different designs and then let them have fun creating their own mosaic masterpieces. 

For younger children, a page from a traditional colouring book with a simple black line design can provide a great base to stick the paper mosaic pieces onto.  Allow the finished mosaic to dry completely.  If you have access to a laminator, you could turn their design into a colorful placemat for use at mealtimes.

Another idea is to go 3D and cover a paper cup with a bright mosaic design.  These can then be used as mini pots to plant seeds or as colorful containers for crayons and felt tip pens.  The possibilities are endless!

1 comment:

ArtformTheHeart* said...

I like the idea of using a page from a colouring book as a template for younger kids. My 8 year old neice loves playing with HER 2 and 1/2 year old nephew and this would be a great project for them (with good old Auntie supervising of course, lol).